About Me

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We graduated from Culinary School and have a passion for cooking, baking, and people. God has called us to use our skills to share the love of Jesus in an area of the world that is extremely unreached. We will be teaching and training cooking and baking in cafes and using this as an opportunity to build relationships and share about Jesus. We will be also working with new believers and helping them to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Discipleship in Action

     The Core Event strategy is when a mature believer and a young believer work together to to share Jesus with a non believer. We are excited to hear how this strategy is happening by a few locals in Central Asia. Two local coffee shop workers, “Kristina” and “Evelyne” have been encouraging each other in their faith as Kristina’s disciples the young believer Evelyne. 
     A few months ago, the women worked together to share the good news of Jesus with “Xana”, a non believer who is closely tied to the cafes.  Evelyne learned a lot from how Kristina comfortably wove the topic of Jesus into conversation without intimidating Xana.  It is really exciting to hear how nationals are practicing their faith by the initiation of discipleship and evangelism to non believers on their own. 
Please pray for this Core Event strategy to grow among nationals in the coffee shop and the believing community. Pray that God would soften Xana's heart to receive His grace, and that she would experience the joy of being part of the body of Christ. 

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